The United Nations (UN) is an international organization dedicated to promoting global peace and security. Bosnia and Hercegovina, two former Yugoslavia (Serbian and Croatian) countries, are two of the world’s newest member states. Both have experienced warring parties in their respective histories. Bosnia and Hercegovina both suffered from independence movements during the last century. The Bosnians wanted a separate state while the Croats saw themselves as the protectors of their historical, cultural and ethnic identity. A Dayton Accord was signed in Dayton, Ohio in June Dayton, OH.
Results From The Conflict
The Dayton accord was reached on the sixth anniversary of the war’s outbreak. It was not however accepted by the international community, which had previously warned that it would not accept a UN participation in the area under humanitarian circumstances. Many nations, particularly the smaller ones, felt that they were let down by the Dayton Accord. The reaction to the accord was mixed; Bosnian Serbs and Croatian Sates rejected the accord, while the moderate Bosnians and Bosnian Muslims (Bosnians and Muslims) supported it. It was also reported that the international community was very disappointed with the Dayton Accord.
International NGOs such as the United Nations, European Union, and the Red Cross were among those who deplored the conduct of the negotiations. However, there were also many who supported the accord. Bosnia and Hercegovina have been in the forefront of human rights and have been fighting against racism and intolerance ever since the Dayton Agreement. Human Rights defenders have even been killed in Bosnia and Hercegovina, while the UN and the international community have consistently raised concerns over the situation.
The Dayton Accords stipulated a fragile peace and unity government. However, the government has been plagued by allegations of rigging and corruption. Human rights defenders and political opponents of the Dayton Accords have been killed or prevented from receiving fair trials. For these reasons the International Monetary Fund and the United States and other regional organizations have been pushing for an independent investigative commission to be established to determine if these allegations are true.
Reaction From The International Community
The international community is concerned that the UN in Bosnia and Hercegovina is turning into a peace making commission for peace and human justice. In fact, Bosnian politicians promised to form a new political party in the upcoming elections. Many believe the international community is losing sight of the goals of the Dayton Accords. If true progress is to be made in the area of human and women’s rights and democracy, it is critical that unbiased experts review the situation. The Bosnian leadership must not be allowed to free-riding and continue to implement policies that violate the interests of the local citizens.
Peace In Bosnia
Although the Dayton Accords provides the Bosnian people with some hope of an inclusive and negotiated political settlement of the conflict, they have failed to provide justice for the victims of crimes and ethnic cleansing. The transitional phase of a democratic country is one characterized by fear, displacement, insecurity, and deterioration of human rights. Given the recent history of the Bosnian crisis, the international community must come together to support the victims, communities, and the country. International NGOs must be allowed to visit the country to ensure that the human rights abuses are stopped, the perpetrators punished, and the culture changed so that the future of the Bosnian people is not corrupted by the brutal past.